10 Ignored SEO Tasks That Can Boost Your Rankings

10 Ignored SEO Tasks That Can Boost Your Rankings

Every year more and more websites are in a hurry to claim their positions on the results page. Search Engine ranking usually refers to a spot at which a site appears in the results of a search engine query. Ranking on Google has never been that difficult. The competition is getting tough as there are substantial number of websites that are looking to reach the top spots.  Here are 10 ignored SEO tasks that can boost rankings of any SEO agency.

  1. Using Infographics: You need to create an awesome infographic and then promote it. The fastest way to create infographics is by hiring freelance designers. If you are good with Photoshop or any other software, then you can create infographics yourself. A lot of marketers believe that visual marketing is the most important form of content for their business. After you have created an infographic you need to promote it.
  2. Using content that is of high quality: Good quality content helps visitors to stay longer on your website. This also increases the Dwell time. The Dwell time is the time that visitors spend on your website and that can impact your SEO rankings. Include extra keywords, and outbound links to get more people to spend extra time reading your content.
  3. Creating videos: A lot of people say that they would like to see more videos from brands. You can find content that is trending and then convert into a video. You can also research on trending topics and then convert them into videos.
  4. Use Entity Salience: This is an advanced SEO technique that helps in improving the accuracy of search results. To make use of this technique, you just need to find a topic to write about. After you have found a topic to write, find other objects that are strongly connected to what you are writing about. The idea is to make use of this advanced SEO technique by including strongly related subject matter in to your post.
  5. Building Skyscraper content: This concept was designed by Brian Dean. Using skyscraper content helps in increasing the traffic. The idea behind this is to find high performing content and then creating something better and then promoting it.
  6. Get benefits of high-performing posts: This strategy helps in getting more clicks and higher rankings. If you have pages with high authority showing up on the first page of search results, you can take advantage of this. After finding your high performing posts, link these to the low performing posts.
  7. Create your own keywords: This is a wonderful strategy for getting higher rankings. You can create your keyword by giving your system a name. Then you can link it and boost your web presence for it. This strategy can be used regularly in your posts and shared with influencers.
  8. Meta Descriptions: Both search engines and visitors want meta descriptions that are informative and engaging. Hence, create informative and engaging meta descriptions that can have a positive effect on the click-through rates.
  9. Create quality backlinks for your website: Create quality backlinks for your website. This will give a boost to your website ranking.
  10. Optimize images: The pictures and other images need to be optimized appropriately if you want these images to improve your SEO ranking. You need to resize or compress your images to optimize them.