Ensuring growth for the women workforce in your organization

Ensuring growth for the women workforce in your organization

Women empowerment is a massive subject with a simple motive – upliftment of the women counterpart. Today women are a part of most industries; some leading and some growing. It becomes crucial to ensure that the entire workforce is highly motivated and determined towards a single objective. Several factors play a vital role in building an organization and having a people-first approach, such as strong anti-discriminatory policies, equal opportunities, encouraging diverse thinking, gender-pay equality, having an open ear for feedback or complaints, respect to all and much more!

Women workforce can be empowered by getting the basics into place and introducing some new policies inclined towards their growth. Introducing employees to the company’s policies, practices, people-friendly approach, payment structure, and growth opportunities is the first step. These must be continuously seeded in the employees’ minds as they would be well-aware of all the practices that the organization follows and would take pride in being associated with your enterprise. There are various ways to ensure inclusive growth for your women workforce:

A structured approach for individual growth: Your human resources are the biggest asset of your company. It is essential to have a closer look at their performance and suggest improvements wherever required. Though it is a time-consuming task, your business’s results will be far beyond what you expected. This assures individual as well as organizational growth having mutual benefits to both the parties. Having a structured plan of action for each employee lets them go out of the box to explore their complete potentials.

Goal setting and alignment: Every organization has an end objective for which the employees are dedicated to playing their part. However, there are individual roles that serve a purpose. It is essential to ensure that all the people in your organization have their KRA’s set, which needs to be met and defines their growth and contributions. It is an effective way to drive individual development and performance, ensuring a learning atmosphere.

Rewarding the best performer: Rewards is the driving force for enhancing performance. The leaders must monitor their employee’s performance and appreciate them when they do a good job. It motivates the employees and gives them the confidence to further push their limits and explore newer avenues. Rewards reinforce competition within the system and also creates a sense of belongingness to the system. Giving opportunities to the team is another element that matters the most for improving productivity.

Equal compensation for equal work: An organization that does not distinguish between employees based on their race and gender is the most successful. Diversity must always be appreciated as it keeps a lively work environment and gets ideas from people coming from different geographies and living conditions. Avoiding bias in the pay-scale is demeaning for the women workforce. Motivating women to take risks and opportunities provides job satisfaction and a sense of fulfilment in accomplishing the task.

Ensuring the growth of the women workforce does not mean going beyond and give extra privileges. It merely requires an equal perspective for everyone working in your organization.

  • By Vrutika Dawda, Director, IdeateLabs

Source link: http://www.newspatrolling.com/ensuring-growth-for-the-women-workforce-in-your-organization/

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