Women entrepreneurship in the male-dominated advertising industry

Women entrepreneurship in the male-dominated advertising industry

Women entrepreneurs have better decision-making abilities, linguistic, communication skills and are highly opinionated which is of utmost importance in the advertising industry

By Vrutika Dawda

Advertising being a male-dominated industry is now witnessing more and more women stepping in the business and setting new benchmarks. Male-domination seems to be diminishing at a gradual pace. Women are independent and confident to start-up their venture with grace. The sector is rapidly booming and is a platform for everyone to grow and succeed. All it needs is sheer dedication and passion to achieve triumph.

Though factors like gender pay disparity, lesser opportunities for the female counterparts, lack of credits to the women employees still prevail in the industry, many women are breaking the glass ceiling and are being known for the punches they throw. Opportunities never come in a platter, it is very important to spot, grab it and do wonders!

Women entrepreneurs have better decision-making abilities, linguistic, communication skills and are highly opinionated which is of utmost importance in the advertising industry. Being expressive in nature makes them better bosses. It is said that a woman can understand other women better, they understand the need of the hour and can effortlessly weave the messaging straight-to-the-point.

There are numerous stereotypes that come our way but what makes women stronger is the way to cope up with it, stand taller and shine brighter!

Raise your voice and own it: It is very important to raise a voice when required. Taking a stand against something that you disagree with or find faults in makes you stronger and positions you as a leader. It portrays that you are tough and will not stop no matter what comes your way. The women who fail to incorporate this hygiene tend to face difficulties in coping up with undesirable circumstances.

Talk about your success: Many women go beyond the set benchmarks and achieve newer milestones but shy away from talking about it. Women entrepreneurs need to learn to be appreciative of their success. This sets an example for the young girls to aspire to achieve and look up to. It is a simple phenomenon, if you won’t appreciate your work, no one else will.

Overcome the fear of failure: Women entrepreneurs often fear of failure. It is vital to understand that though it feels great to be a winner, one can not win always. Failure is a part of life that teaches meaningful lessons and gives you the experience to tackle situations better in the future. Despite failing, women must know how to face it, accept it and move forward stronger. Explore, learn, grow and never be afraid to make mistakes.

Accept criticism: Despite you fail or face criticism, it is necessary to accept and learn from it. Build yourself stronger and have faith in yourself. At times, women come across unnecessary criticism by others which tends to break them. It is advisable to ignore them and continue with the same vigour. Your success talks about how correct your decisions were.

Give importance to work-life balance: Having a balance between your personal and professional life is very important. Being professional makes you independent and having a healthy personal life makes you happier. The fast-paced industry demands to neglect any one of them, women must know to find their way out and maintain a healthy balance in their journey.

The author is director of IdeateLabs

Source Link: 

Financial Express.com – Brand Wagon : https://www.financialexpress.com/brandwagon/women-entrepreneurship-in-the-male-dominated-advertising-industry/1892411/
Yahoo News : https://in.news.yahoo.com/women-entrepreneurship-male-dominated-advertising-081346030.html

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